
(verb) Meaning: to make an angry growl showing teeth;often accompanied by a facial expression, where the upper lip is raised, and the nostrils widen

Modifications: (noun) the act or sound of snarling


image sentence: The angry Wolverine snarled at the enemy.
image sentence: The angry Wolverine snarled at the enemy.

image sentence: The Wolverine snarled at his enemy in anger.

Meaning 2: to be tangled up( to describe thread or hair); it can also be used to describe a tangled situation; Modification: by adding a y in the end it can be used as an (adjective): snarly

image sentence: The hair dresser was having a hard time untangling the snarly hair of the girl.
image sentence: The hair dresser was having a hard time untangling the snarly hair of the girl.

image sentence: The hair dresser was having a hard time untangling the snarly hair of the girl.

Synonyms: Growl, show its teeth, hurl, intertwined, tangled, knotted

Antonyms: untangle,

Other sentences with the word snarl in them/ How to use ‘snarl in a sentence? 

1. My dog snarls at all the guests.
2. The pack of wolves started snarling when they sensed danger.
3. Animals snarl to frighten their enemies.
4. I snarl at people I dislike.
5. A dog who snarls at most passers-by.
6. Coffee that snarls as it seeths out of the pot.
7. My hair were snarly when I went to my hairdresser.
8. The threads were all snarly.
9. The traffic at the 5th Avenue street is all snarled up.

First known use/Origin: 1613

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