Crystal Structure:
TiO2 Anatase |
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CIF Source:
Acta Crystallographica B47 (1991) 462-468
Structural and thermal parameters for rutile and anatase
Locality: synthetic
_database_code_amcsd 0019093
Simulated Powder XRD using VESTA:
X-Ray Wavelength: 1.54059 Angstrom

Simulation 1: GGA
Pseudopotential Used:
PP Type: Ultrasoft
Exchange Correlation Functional: PBE-GGA
Non-linear core corrections are used.
Total Energy vs Cutoff:
E-Cutoff(Ry) Total E(Ry)
10 -674.97884493
15 -720.42529095
20 -733.86047790
25 -738.17214180
30 -739.43060835
35 -739.70149419
40 -739.75957365
45 -739.77545989
50 -739.78366106
54 -739.78915969
55 -739.79040617
56 -739.79157928
60 -739.79553659
62 -739.79708585
Wavefunction Energy Cutoff: 54 Ry
Charge Density Energy Cutoff: 600 Ry
k – mesh: 8x8x8
Run Type: GGA-PBE
Optimized Coordinates and Lattice Parameters:
Lattice Parameters: a= b= 3.80034 A, c= 9.70793 A
alpha=beta=gamma=90 degrees
Ti 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Ti 1.900170 1.900170 4.853964
Ti 0.000000 1.900170 2.426988
Ti 1.900170 0.000000 7.280940
O 0.000000 0.000000 2.005006
O 1.900170 1.900170 6.858963
O 0.000000 1.900170 4.431988
O 1.900170 0.000000 9.285942
O 1.900170 1.900170 2.848965
O 0.000000 0.000000 7.702922
O 1.900170 0.000000 5.275940
O 0.000000 1.900170 0.421986

High Symmetry points: G-X-M-G-Z-R-A-Z (Brillouin Zone integration along these points)
Density of States(DOS):

Input Files:
Simulation 2: GGA + U(Hubbard Correction)
The Hubbard parameter provides on-site Coulomb corrections to the highly localized electrons.
It can usually be determined by the linear response approach.
Variation of Band Gap with Hubbard Parameter U:
using simplified version of Cococcioni and de Gironcoli, PRB 71, 035105 (2005), using Hubbard_U
U(eV) Band-Gap(eV)
1 2.2182
2 2.2974
3 2.3862
4 2.4892
5 2.6094
6 2.7540
7 2.9287
8 3.1443
9 3.4117

Therefore, the rest of the calculations will be run using U=8eV:
(NOTE: Just because U=8eV provided a good picture of the band-gap doesn’t mean that it will provide a good picture for all other properties. Such a high correction can change other properties and therefore, the parameter should be suitably determined. For more info read the article attached in the References section of this article.)
Density of States(DOS):
Input Files:
I acknowledge the use of the following tools and packages in order to produce the above simulations.
Quantum Espresso(for DFT based simulations):
BURAI(for visualization and as a GUI for QE):
VESTA(for visualization and XRD simulations):
References and Resources:
I’m a physicist specializing in computational material science with a PhD in Physics from Friedrich-Schiller University Jena, Germany. I write efficient codes for simulating light-matter interactions at atomic scales. I like to develop Physics, DFT, and Machine Learning related apps and software from time to time. Can code in most of the popular languages. I like to share my knowledge in Physics and applications using this Blog and a YouTube channel.