Toolbox: curvefit
Title: Curve Fitters
Summary: A toolbox for fitting data-points to a line, polynomial or an exponential curve using the Least Square Approximation.
Version: 1.0.1
Author: Manas Sharma
Maintainer: Manas Sharma
Category: Data Analysis and Statistics
Entity: Manas Sharma
License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0
ScilabVersion: >= 5.4
Date: 2016-03-03
Description: A toolbox for fitting data-points to a line, polynomial or an exponential curve using the Least Square Approximation.
- linefit – Fit a given set of data-points to a line. Returns the fitted data points, slope and the intercept of the line.
- npolyfit – To fit a given set of data points to a polynomial.
- expofit – To Exponentially fit a given set of data points
- lfitplot – Fit a given set of data-points to a line. Returns the fitted data points, slope and the intercept of the line and plot the original and fitted data..
- pfitplot – To fit a given set of data points to a polynomial and plot the original and fitted data.
- efitplot – To Exponentially fit a given set of data points and plot the original and fitted data.
Check out the following links for more info:
I’m a physicist specializing in computational material science with a PhD in Physics from Friedrich-Schiller University Jena, Germany. I write efficient codes for simulating light-matter interactions at atomic scales. I like to develop Physics, DFT, and Machine Learning related apps and software from time to time. Can code in most of the popular languages. I like to share my knowledge in Physics and applications using this Blog and a YouTube channel.