C++ Program for Modified Euler’s Method to solve an ODE

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//Modified Euler's Method for differential equations
using namespace std;
double df(double x, double y)
    double a=x+y;            //function for defining dy/dx
    return a;
int main()
    double x0,y0,x,y_i,dy1,dy2,dy_avg,y_n,h;    //for initial values, width, etc.
    cout<<"\nEnter the initial values of x and y respectively:\n"; cin>>x0>>y0;                    //Initial values
    cout<<"\nEnter the value of x for which you would like to find y:\n"; cin>>x;
    cout<<"\nEnter the interval width,h:\n"; cin>>h;                        //input width
    while(fabs(x-x0)>0.0000001)      //I couldn't just write "while(x0<x)" as they both are floating point nos. It is dangerous to compare two floating point nos. as they are not the same in binary as they are in decimal. For instance, a computer cannot exactly represent 0.1 or 0.7 in binary just like decimal can't represent 1/3 exactly without recurring digits.
        dy1=h*df(x0,y0);        //calculate slope or dy/dx at x0,y0
        y_i=y0+dy1;            //calculate new y, which is y0+h*dy/dx
        dy2=h*df(x0+h,y_i);        //calculate slope or dy/dx at x0+h (new x),new y
        dy_avg=(dy1+dy2)/2.0;        //calculate the average of the slopes at y0 and new y
        y_n=y0+dy_avg;            //calculate new y, which is y0+h*average(dy/dx)   
        x0=x0+h;            //calculate new x.
        y0=y_n;                //pass this new y as y0 in the next iteration.
    cout<<"The approximate value of y at x=0 is "<<y0<<endl;    //print the solution.
    return 0;

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Sample output

Exact (ideal) solution

Explaination of the code:

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