C++ Program to generate 100 Prime Nos.

using namespace std;
int prime(int n);	//function for checking if the no. is prime or not
int prime(int n)	
	int i,flag=0;				//i for loop(dividing the no. with 1 to sqrt of the no. and a variable called flag 
	for (i=1;i<=sqrt(n);i++)	//a no. is prime if it is divisible by only 1 when divided by nos. upto the root of the no.
		if (n%i==0)				//if the no. is divisible by i
			flag+=1;			//increment flag
	if (flag==1)				//if flag=1 i.e theno. is divisible by only 1 when divided by nos. upto the root of the no.
	return 1;					//return 1;
	return 0;
int main()
	int n=2,j,count=1;			//n i.e the no. to be checked if it is prime or not(we start it by 2 as 1 is nota prime no.) and count keeps track of the no. of prime nos. detected
	cout<<"The first hundred prime nos. are"<<endl;
	while (count<101)
		j=prime(n);				//checkif n is prime
		if (j==1)				//if it is prime, display n and increment count
		else 					//else dont increment count
		n++;					//increment n(so that the next no. can be checked and so on
	return 0;

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