
(noun) Meaning: a funny or humorous play about ridiculous situations and events
2. something that is so bad that it is seen as ridiculous

Pronunciation: fɑːs/

unnecessary farce
image sentence: The movie so foolish and funny, it was almost a farce.

image sentence: The movie so foolish and funny, it was almost a farce.

farce tv show play actors funny satire play
image sentence: Today’s episode of TV show ‘Friends’ was a total Farce.

image sentence: Today’s episode of TV show ‘Friends’ was a total farce.

Synonyms: slapstick, comedy, broad comedy, mockery, parody, spoof, joke, sham, caricature, satire, skit

Antonyms: tragedy,

Other sentences with the word farce in them/ How to use ‘farce’ in a sentence? 

1. It is a farce for you to think that just because you do not weigh very much, you are light enough to fly!
2. The play we saw was so stupid and foolish, we considered it a farce.
3. The trial was a farce, and the judge was a political stooge.
4. When death comes, the farce is over (la farce est jouee), therefore let us take our pleasure while we can.
5. The show Saturday Night Live is a farce.
It was an event that began as farce and ended as tragedy.
7. A person who was mad at me called me a farce.
8. My Dad says, “It’s a farce!” when he watches Fox News.

First known use/Origin: 14th century Middle English farse, from Middle French farce, from Vulgar Latin *farsa, from Latin, feminine of farsus, past participle of farcire

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