Mem. Addr. Mnemonics Hex Codes Comments
2000 XRA, A AF Clear register A
2001 MVI B, 32 06 Load in Reg. B the no. whose parity is to be checked(32)
2002 32
2003 MVI C,00 0E Initialize Reg. C
2004 00
2005 ADD B 80 Perform an operation so that the flags are affected
2006 JPO 200A E2 Jump if Parity is Odd to Address 200A
2007 0A
2008 20
2009 INR C 0C Increment C if Parity is Even
200A MOV A, C 79 Move the content of C in Accumulator
200B STA 2050 32 Store the result in Address 2050H
200C 50
200D 20
200E HLT 76
The above Program would store 1 at 2050H mem. Addr. If the Parity is Even and 0 if the parity is odd. In the above case we have taken the no. to be 32 which is (100000) in binary, hence has odd parity. Note: Parity is the number of 1’s in the circuit.
Input: (52)10 =(110100)2
Output: 0 (as it has odd no. of 1’s i.e. Odd Parity)
I’m a physicist specializing in computational material science with a PhD in Physics from Friedrich-Schiller University Jena, Germany. I write efficient codes for simulating light-matter interactions at atomic scales. I like to develop Physics, DFT, and Machine Learning related apps and software from time to time. Can code in most of the popular languages. I like to share my knowledge in Physics and applications using this Blog and a YouTube channel.
what is the need to do ex or A initially . and how A is cleared with ex or ? please explain . and is there any other methor to clear a registor ?
I want A register to be clear (zero). So if I exclusive Or A with itself then it will give me zero. Hence A is cleared. refer to this article :